Theatre: Learning the ropes

Monday, September 06, 2010

KIDS/PARENTS: DRAMA GAMES & STORYTELLING Kids can teach their parents.

For Seventh Day Adventist Community Outreach

1. WARM-UP Sign-In onto 2 stickers: you name on one, and the name of a famous personal hero on the other. Stickers on their backs and explain the guessing game. Ask Yes or No questions to find out who you are.

With your family: The first person to finish dinner uses something at the table as a puppet who becomes a famous person. Family members talk to the puppet and ask it questions to find out who it is. (Try to guess in less than 20 YES/NO questions)

Small circle inside big circle demonstrates.

With your Family: when sitting around after a meal, don’t turn on the TV. You become the entertainment! Hope up and say, “Who am I?” and imitate someone in your family. RULE: give the actor at least 10 seconds to perform their imitation.

Using the chart. 1 or more people can make a statue of that emotion and let another team guess. Take pictures of the statues you create!

4. CREATING CHARACTERS THE WAY YOU WALK (in a circle) show me …shy,… silly,… athletic,… old, … scared, … injured,… clumsy,…. Ballerina,… being followed,… proud,…robot,… tightrope,… in a hurry,… casual, …

5. THE WAY YOU TALK: Choose one of the lines to say with your family:

PRESCHOOL To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart. (Donald Laird)

ELEMENTARY Realize that if you have time to whine and complain about something then you have the time to do something about it. 
(Anthony J. D'Angelo)

SECONDARY People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing-that's why we recommend it daily. (Zig Ziglar)

Now try to say it again with one of these emotions: Surprised…in agony…nervous…giggling…out of breath…sleepy…extremely excited…hurt feelings… angry… scared…embarrassed… stage fright… eager…

6. TAG TEAM STORY Going around the circle, embellish a well known story or make one up about your family members.

Beginners can always start off with “Once upon a time…”
And end with “and they lived happily ever after.”

You can stop and start in the middle of sentences, and pass the story to the next person. Try to keep the rhythm of the story going without pauses, and keep it interesting and lively. In large circle only go around once, but if it’s at the dinner table you can go around the table multiple times.

Now for the competition! $50 gift certificate to Santa Fe Tex Mex Grill at The Stewords Riverboat
THIS WEEKEND: Use these Ideas or make up new ones! Try them out at home with your family. Take photos or a video and Send them to me: if the file is large you can use a service like Include: YOUR name, A Title for your Submission (ie.”Those Crazy Chans” “Spiderman Serves Dessert” “Never a Dull Moment”) and a mailing address where award can be mailed.

September 11 11AM: You can go online and make comments on the items submitted, but the award for best submission will be chosen by the staff of Hope 107FM and posted September 18th 8AM on the blog.


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